Emprender en España vs en UK

Spain vs UK… I do love Britons 🙂 They really know how to foster Entrepreneurship

Spain vs UK

Fuente: trabajardesdecasasi.com

La principal diferencia que llama más  la atención es el tiempo de creación de una firma. En España debemos esperar el plazo de un mes para constituir nuestro negocio; en Reino Unido solo nos llevará tres horas y  71 euros, fácil y rápido. La segunda diferencia es el capital social, en España son 3001 euros, en Inglaterra por tan solo 40 libras puedes empezar a trabajar. La tercera es que no estás obligado a cobrar ni declarar el IVA. Tan solo tienes obligación de declarar si sobrepasas los 68.000 euros anuales de facturación.


Your work-life balance hangs in these four quadrants

Work-Life BalanceOriginally posted on Quartz:

I find most “work-life balance” conversations challenging. For starters, there’s a distinctly gendered component to them—where women seem to be expected to worry more about balancing it all, and where “life” is code for domestic duties, rather than, you know, life in all its juicy, nourishing, celebratory glory.

But I find we also tend to get caught up in finding a single correct answer that works for everyone. And of course, the answer is different for everyone.

In my experience, the work-life axis just doesn’t work.

On the other hand, we certainly know it when the balance is out of whack. We feel harried, exhausted, and acutely aware of the stuff we wish we were doing instead of whatever it is that’s taking over our life. I’ve had several conversations lately with people whose lives are so full that they aren’t finding time for the stuff that really lights them up—and that’s…

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