¿Cómo saber si estoy bloqueando mi propio éxito? 

Muchas veces en el camino al emprendimiento hemos de pasar por fracasos o altibajos, tanto emocionales como en los negocios. Muchas veces veremos como se nos van las oportunidades de las manos y cómo estamos careciendo de éxito.

Esto es completamente normal, pero, ¿qué pasa cuando nosotros somos los causantes de estos fracasos?, ¿cómo saber si tú mismo estas boicoteando tus oportunidades?

Hay una frase que no me cansó de escucharla, que dice:

Tú y solo tú eres tu mejor amigo y tu peor enemigo

Pero, ¿qué significa esta frase?, de verdad, ¿qué significa realmente esta frase?

Lo repito, tú y solo tú eres capaz de ser tu peor enemigo o tu mejor amigo. Todo está en la mente, es sumamente poderosa.

Nuestra mente puede ser nuestro mejor aliado

¿Has visto alguna situación de una manera objetiva?, tal vez un problema de un amigo o de un familiar, alguna situación en la que no estés involucrado emocionalmente hablando y das tu opinión desde una perspectiva objetiva. Creo que tú, la persona que estás leyendo esto, alguna vez lo has hecho.

Es ese estado de mente el que debemos dominar, aprender a ver las cosas desde una perspectiva objetiva.

Desde la perspectiva objetiva, vemos las cosas como son, sin emociones, sin apegos, sin rencores, sin NADA.

La clave

¿Cuál es la clave de todo este embrollo mental?, la clave es la objetividad.

Cuando estamos pasando por un problema, por una situación que nos hace decaer, que nos quita la fe, la esperanza en uno mismo, tendemos a boicotear las oportunidades.

No vemos las cosas como realmente son, vemos las cosas como lo sentimos. Es tu mente la que proyecta tu realidad, es tu estado de ánimo el que dicta tu futuro, es la actitud con la que tomas los problemas, la clave para salir adelante o quedarte estancado.

Para poder solucionar un problema, primero debes de tener la cabeza fría, debes de pensar fríamente y sobre todo aprende a analizar.

Muchas veces la mente juega con nosotros, con nuestras emociones, con nuestra manera de ver la vida y la manera de vernos a nosotros. Y no te digo que la mente sea el enemigo, la mente puede ser tu mejor aliado, porque TÚ puedes tener el control si así lo deseas.

En esta historia no hay enemigos, solo aliados, si tú así lo decides.

Cada vez que pases por un problema y tu mente comience a boicotearte recuerda lo siguiente:

  • Salir de ese estado emocional negativo e irte a la zona objetiva
  • Pensar con la cabeza fría y analizar la situación detalladamente (tómate tu tiempo)
  • Evitar los pensamientos negativos
  • Al momento de analizar tus pensamientos e identificar los negativos, tratar de ignorarlos

Fíjate bien que digo ignorarlos, no eliminarlos (los pensamientos). Porque al ignorar estos automáticamente desaparecerán, pero si estás tan enfocado en no pensar negativamente, prestarás más atención a esa clase de pensamientos.

Y debes de saber que pensamientos negativos, miedos y frustraciones, todos tenemos y tendremos, es un proceso normal de la mente. Lo importante es no engancharte.

¿Por qué no te debes de enganchar con tus pensamientos negativos?

Porque no definen lo que realmente eres, ya he dicho con anterioridad esto y es la verdad.

Cuando estés tan enfocado en tus problemas, cuando estés sumido en la negatividad, cuando no veas la salida, recuerda estas declaraciones poderosas:

  • Una idea no te define
  • Las ideas se pueden cambiar
  • Todo en está vida tiene una solución
  • Y si no tiene una solución no vale la pena mortificarse
  • Todo lo que esté sujeto a cambios no es real, es una maquinación de tu mente
  • El temor solo existe en dos tiempos, pasado y futuro, por lo tanto el temor no existe, es un invento de tu mente

Recuerda todo esto, créeme que te será de mucha ayuda.

Y para finalizar con todo esto, debo de decirte algo muy importante.

El creador de tu destino eres tú, tú eres el responsable de la clase de vida que lleves, aunque no lo creas, así es. Las ideas son tan poderosas que van labrando nuestro futuro.

La actitud con la que tomamos problemas y los tropiezos también definen nuestro futuro, una buena actitud lo es todo en momentos de crisis.

Tú eres el mejor aliado que puedes tener, tú eres el motor de tu vida, eres tan poderoso que si estás boicoteando tu éxito es porque de manera inconsciente no crees que eres capaz, pero si lo eres, siempre serás capaz de todo lo que te propongas.

La clave para lograr lo que deseas es creer en ti, y aunque suene trillado, tener fe en ti, en tu capacidad y tu potencial, se nota, se contagia y es digno de admiración.

Discipline: The key to success

Do you know how much you can achieve with greater self-discipline?

Discipline is a very important virtue if you want to achieve success in your life.

And yes, sometimes the discipline is very difficult to develop, I could tell you that many people tend to fail because they lack discipline, with which they achieve much or practically nothing.

But all is not lost, that being difficult at the beginning does not mean that you can not develop it, that you can not work in your discipline.

Once you have it, do not waste it. Be enchanted in her, this virtue will help you a lot to get what you want.

I will tell you 7 tips so you can work on your discipline more easily.

1. They have a passion for what they do

Doing your job with passion is essential to succeed. If you do something you love, you will not get tired and discipline will develop in a natural and less forced way.

When you love what you do, nothing is forced. Do not avoid doing hard work, or “not fun”, on the contrary, as you have passion, you are happy with your work, therefore, everything will be much better.

2. Goodbye to distractions

Procasting is very easy when we do not do what we like. That is why the first point is of the utmost importance.

Another point is to avoid distractions, this will help you to be more disciplined. This goes hand in hand with a firm conviction to know what you have and should do.

Establishing schedules can be good help for distractions such as cell phones, social networks, television, etc. Do not affect your productivity.

What is more important? Take out your work or spend all day on Facebook. Establish priorities.

3. Reward progress

Knowing that discipline is not an easy process, I recommend that when you meet your goals for the day, schedules, etc. Give yourself a small prize, to remind yourself that you are doing things right.

This will help you as a motivating factor, you can also reward yourself with breaks, clear up a bit to return to your tasks with a clearer mind, anyway. The reward varies and everything depends on you. But remember to reward yourself for your effort and your work.

4. They do the hardest thing first

As I mentioned in the first point, when there is passion in your work, the most difficult part is not left for later. On the contrary, many people choose to start on that side. Do not put it off, work on it.

I had a coach who always told me that in order to have discipline he would embrace what he would least like to do, in this case it was running.

So I decided to go running every day, even 30 minutes, although I did not want to, I would learn to hug him and start loving him. This is how the discipline works, the hardest thing is not left for later, it is done NOW.

5. Make decisions

Discipline is based on elections. In fact, life is based on choices, but you must remember that there is a reaction to each action or its consequences.

At all times you are deciding what you should do, what you really need or what you want?

Analyze the panorama, and think your choices well. Always try to analyze all the possible information and then make the decision.

6. Use your schedules in your favor

Do not fight against your natural routine. If you are better in the morning, work then. If you do it better during the day, start later.

Nor am I telling you not to do anything, but we definitely have times or times where we are more creative, we work more, we are more productive. Knowing this, make the most of it.

7. Less talk and more acting

This is sometimes the only way to be self-disciplined. You just have to do it. Forget the thoughts. Ignore the feelings. Do not worry about how. Just do what you have to do. Sometimes you just have to try, fail and try again until you solve it.


As a very personal advice I will tell you, that my way of being disciplined is the following: When I am about to fail my objectives, when I feel I can not do it anymore, I use visualization power and I wonder how I want to see myself in so many years or months ?, how do I want it to be my future?

Visualizing my future, it helps me a lot more to stay motivated and not give up. Many times I know that you will want to surrender and no longer follow. But remember the reason why you started, that you do not forget that feeling or that desire. Work on it and move on, the reward is closer than you imagine.

Can we all be leaders?

Many times I have been asked this question, can we all be leaders?

It is a challenging question, and the answer may not like many, but I think we can all be leaders, the question is if we all want to be leaders.

What is it to be a leader?

Many ideas come to my mind when I hear the word “leader”, some relate it to a person who is worthy of admiration, some others an example to follow, others say that it has to do more with humility.

For me, being a leader is someone willing to motivate, drive and see for others. A leader is someone who has a high level of empathy, is someone who does not judge deliberately, if he is someone who is an example person.

But I think that leaders do not go with that goal for life, leaders want the common good and in addition, they become admired and followed people.

Being a leader is not having control of things, a leader is someone who does not seek to control, but to improve, to influence in a positive way.

Having said that, having already said my concept of what it means to be a true leader, I go back to the starting point.

I think that if you really want it and not because of admiration, but because you are a person concerned about the common good, you can become a great leader.

But I think that in these times we have a shortage of leaders, we have shortages of people looking for a common good. And it’s not that I want to sound pessimistic, I think I’m being extremely realistic.

A leader leaves the picture, of the established, not to do something bad, but to improve, innovate, propose and promote.

And when I say that the world has a lack of leaders, it is because I see people who follow the established and often do not even take the time to question.

Your level of empathy is minimal, your greed or hunger to excel is bigger than doing something more for people who need it.

We have become somewhat selfish, we no longer seek a common good, we seek what best suits us and it is over. And yes, the world needs more leaders and fewer sheep that just follow the established and do not dare to risk for more.

The world belongs to those who are willing to risk, fear, I believe, is also a key point for the shortage of leaders today. We are so afraid of risking that we prefer to stay in that comfort zone, where although we are not happy, we are within what is “good” and we can continue like this.

Then immediately there comes a mediocre attitude, everything opposite to a leader. Because leaders like everyone, know mediocrity, only that they do not accommodate that in their lives.

I believe that we can all be leaders, but not everyone wants to do it. Deep down they would like things to be different, but they are not doing anything to achieve that change.

Do you think you have enough to be a leader ?, and if you think so, what are you doing to become the people you would like to be?

We are full of dreams, of desires, but sometimes we are not able to move a single finger to begin the real change. It is laziness, mediocrity, fear and selfishness in many people that prevents them from being leaders.

And of course, there are people who do not feel worthy to be, this is more linked to the self-esteem of each person. Courage, perseverance, discipline, empathy and many other qualities that make a leader what he is, do not go out overnight, they work hard for them.

I have a task for you, in the morning that you look in the mirror, ask yourself if you are really becoming the person you want to be, the person you dreamed about. And if not, I recommend that you analyze your life, objectively (it can be difficult but not impossible), and ask yourself where you are, and what you are doing, to become a leader.

Learn to deal with daily stress

We live in times where the word stress makes us extremely familiar, it is something that we see every day and we have suffered at some time.

The world is going so fast that many people are constantly stressed.

Many times we are so focused on our work, our working life, that we forget the most important thing, we neglect ourselves.

Being a successful person and being in a process of constant improvement can be exhausting, that can cause us stress.

Believe me, I understand perfectly the stress, the pressure that many times we live for being enterprising and ambitious people.

And being in constant improvement is not a bad thing at all. The bad thing is when we allow stress to control our lives and that is when the problems come.

I want you to understand that it is totally normal to feel stress, but we must learn to control it, not that stress controls us.

That is why I have given myself the task of mentioning some extremely valuable techniques to deal with stress.

Get rid of the source of your stress

Stress always has a reason to exist, that is why you must identify the source. It can usually be your job, in many cases.

But this can only be a panorama, what I mean, is that you must identify the source of your stress and get rid of it.

It may be difficult at first, but if it brings you more bad times than good, it’s time to reconsider what direction your life is taking.


Your mind, is the source of all your thoughts, the good and the bad.

Our mind is like a machine that is working all the time, not for ever, unless we make it stop.

Meditation can help you to put your mind in white, to rest your mind, to calm the machine, to put it at rest.

It is extremely important to have a calm, relaxed mind that thinks coolly.

Stress can be noticeably reduced with meditation.

Do exercise

Another way to get rid of stress is by exercising.

Exercise is extremely important, it keeps you healthy, it is a way to get rid of stress and daily worries and it gives you a good quality of life.

You may think you do not have time, but believe me there is always time. With 40 minutes a day is more than enough to free you from the stress that torments you.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy is a fundamental part of taking care of ourselves and reducing stress.

When we go through a tense moment, we get angry, our body in general suffers, but especially our stomach.

Has not it happened to you that you are under a lot of pressure and you feel a void or some strange sensation in your stomach?

Our stomach is like our second brain, and that is why we must take great care of it.

Eating healthy is a way to pamper and take care of our stomach. Imagine that you make your stomach go through bad times due to stress and apart from junk food. It is a double problem.

You can also consume herbs and plants that have a calming and stimulating effect on our stomachs.

Rest enough

If your work or life is stressful, if you are under pressure daily, if your pace of life is extremely accelerated. It is necessary to rest well.

At the beginning of this post I commented that it is necessary to take care of ourselves, to invest time in ourselves.

Sleeping is essential to be able to perform in our day to day.

Our body needs to rest and sleep enough to be well, to be healthy and calm.

Sleep is a natural mechanism that allows our body to restore its energy reserves and is also a natural way of dealing with stress.

If you do not sleep enough, the stress will begin to accumulate and you will get worse.

But if we sleep enough each night, our tolerance to stress increases greatly and our alertness during the day remains high.

These are just some tips, however, if you have other activities in mind that will help you relax, like taking a vacation, go ahead. Remember that stress should not dominate your life, you should live peacefully, calmly. Nothing is more valuable than our tranquility, our well-being.

Eliminate the beliefs that impede your growth

We all have beliefs, these beliefs may be helpful or may be blocking your path to growth.

Let’s talk today about the beliefs that limit, those that prevent you from having a fuller life.

Some clear examples of these beliefs could be:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I do not know how to do that
  • This is out of reach
  • I will not be able to do it
  • I’m not good at doing this kind of thing

Do you identify yourself with any? Well, it is this type of beliefs that prevent you from growing up, that you overcome each day of your life.

This type of beliefs are created over time, often they are even inherited, or installed by friends, family, education, environment in which you develop.

Many times you already have these beliefs so installed and automated that you do not realize when they are emerging at certain times.

Many times we do not realize these beliefs, and often it is not your fault that these beliefs exist, but it is your responsibility to take measures to eliminate them from your life.

That is why today I will tell you how to eliminate these beliefs once and for all and take control of your life, your decisions and your path to growth.

Each time you come across a belief that is limiting you, repeat this process:

Identify the limiting belief

The moment your mind begins to boycott you, focus on the task of identifying this belief that is limiting and blocking you.

What are you afraid of? What’s stopping you? He begins to ask you these questions that will make your beliefs sprout and understand how your mind is working.

The moment you identify it you go to the second step that would be

Face the belief

Face it, now that you’ve identified it, it’s time to face it. How? Start to mention the reasons why these beliefs are present, that is, now begins to ask you why are you afraid?

This is really digging into the core of these problems and is often more surprising than the beliefs themselves.

In step number one asks us, what? Now we are wondering why? We are trying to find the true reasons why these beliefs are still alive.

Refute your limiting beliefs

Refute everything, doubt absolutely everything. You must be very clear that ideas are just that, ideas.

Ideas are not a law, ideas can be changed, molded, eliminated or maintained, that’s up to you.

Think of everything in your life (no matter how big or small they seem) that contrasts with your old limiting belief and takes note of them.

Reinvent yourself

This is the time to reinvent yourself, now that you have realized that your beliefs can be manipulated by you, it is time to reinvent yourself, to rewrite your story.

It’s time for you to redefine yourself and not allow anyone else to do it, more than you and only you.

What do you want to achieve? What people do you want to be? It’s time to be that person that you want so much, it’s time to grow up.


Some beliefs are ingrained more deeply than others. That is why your new beliefs must be there, you must repeat it constantly, before you forget it.

DO NOT ALLOW IT, do not leave those new beliefs aside, it may take a little more time, but if you are constant, you will definitely achieve it.

I can guarantee that there is nothing like eliminating an unconscious belief that has held you back for years, feeling the true freedom and ease with which a free mind allows you.

The 6 rules to be a successful entrepreneur

On the road to entrepreneurship, you must abide by 6 rules that I consider essential to be successful.

These are the rules that will make you achieve your dreams and see your projects realized.

Do not doubt your potential

I have already spoken of all this before, it is of the utmost importance not to doubt what you are capable of, of your potential.

If you believe in yourself, there will be nothing to stop you. You must stay focused and be firm in your beliefs, only then you can achieve your goals.

Do not see your world as it is, but as it can become, your ideas are the detonators of your future, that is why you have to learn to visualize, visualize your future, your success, your peace, your well-being and above all your ability to achieve what you propose.

Knowledge is POWER

The constant learning is necessary to be able to be in trend and on par with the current market.

Invest in yourself, train yourself, keep learning, the world changes constantly, learn to change with it.

By investing in yourself, you will be surpassing yourself every day, you will be renewing yourself, there is nothing more important than YOU, that is why, you should not skimp when it comes to investing in you.

You are your most powerful tool to get ahead, you need to be 1000% prepared, for everything that comes.

Do not give up

I know, sometimes you will feel that you can not, that you want to give up. I know that at this moment you may be going through difficult times, setbacks, that make you think that what you are doing is not the best idea.

But, if inside you, you feel that what you are doing is something that motivates you, that you love, you DO NOT DESIST.

Do you know how difficult it is today to find a job we love? People are used to working for money, not out of passion, not out of love for what they do.

If you, when undertaking, are doing it because it is your dream and it is what you love, do not leave it. Because difficult times there will always be, but you find your passion and work on it, that is something you do not see every day.

Tell me who you meet and I’ll tell you how you are

We are social beings, we will always be surrounded by people, the key here is, what kind of people do we have around us?

Ask yourself, if the people in your life are those who motivate you, who give you encouragement, who believe in you, even though many times you do not believe in yourself.

Surrounding yourself with the right people is very important, not only in your company, to join efforts, but in your personal life, that motivate you, that give you words of encouragement.

Remember that if you surround yourself with conformist or mediocre people, you may become one of them.

Be cautious

Entrepreneurship can be a risky path, many times we throw ourselves into the unknown and we are not prepared.

It is necessary to be prepared, you must be cautious and try to avoid risks that are unnecessary or that you could have avoided them if you had prepared.

So always have a plan B, a plan C and if all this fails, then face it, but that is not because you were not cautious.

Work hard

“In entrepreneurship there are no shortcuts or half measures.”

If it were easy, everyone would do it, it’s something that I constantly repeat myself. You must work hard, you must be committed to your goal. To become independent, carries many more responsibilities, but the pay is your freedom.

Therefore, before starting, you must be 100% committed and you must have discipline to get ahead. It’s the key.

Herramientas gratuitas de marketing que todo emprendedor debe de conocer

Como emprendedor, es de suma importancia que apliques estrategias de marketing efectivas para hacer crecer tu  empresa. El marketing es la columna vertebral del éxito de cualquier startup, no vas a tener éxito sino te posicionas y no te das a conocer. Sin embargo, comprendo que si estás comenzando tu negocio, tu presupuesto sea limitado para casi todas las actividades de tu startup. Cuando estás iniciando tu startup y tienes recursos limitados para dar a conocer tu negocio, puedes confiar en las herramientas gratuitas de marketing digital para correr la voz.

Muchas herramientas de marketing  son gratuitas, y descuida que aunque estas herramientas son gratuitas, son muy efectivas y puedes obtener excelentes resultados.

Implementar estrategias de marketing es mucho más fácil si te haces valer de estas herramientas gratuitas. La ventaja aparte de que sean gratuitas, es que también son muy sencillas de usar.

Aquí hay una lista de herramientas gratuitas que puede utilizar como parte de su estrategia para maximizar sus esfuerzos de marketing.

Buffer – Gestión de redes sociales
Esta herramienta es excelente para manejar todas tus redes sociales, es una plataforma poderosa cuando se trata de marketing. Buffer, una herramienta de gestión de redes sociales, te ayuda a programar publicaciones en diferentes plataformas como Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Tener tus publicaciones programadas es de mucha ayuda para correr la voz, para alimentar tus redes sociales y mantener contacto con tu publico objetivo.

Logaster: Una excelente herramienta para poder crear logos diseñándolos por tí mismo y no necesitas ningún diseñador gráfico profesional. Sólo pon el nombre y si tienes un slogan y te mostrará muchas opciones para crear un llamativo logotipo.

Canva – Diseño gráfico
El contenido de marketing visualmente atractivo, como la infografía y las ilustraciones personalizadas, se está volviendo cada vez más popular. El contenido visual no solo le da una apariencia profesional, sino que también ayuda atsu empresa a lograr credibilidad entre tu público. Canva es una herramienta gratuita e intuitiva con una biblioteca de fuentes, plantillas, imágenes e ilustraciones que puedes arrastrar y soltar para crear gráficos deslumbrantes. Puede crear desde folletos y volantes hasta infografías e imágenes de redes sociales usando esta herramienta fácil de usar.

SurveyMonkey – Encuestas
Para cualquier startup, las encuestas son una excelente forma de captar clientes, obtener información del consumidor y obtener información sobre su negocio desde la perspectiva de los clientes. Una de las herramientas de encuestas más populares en línea es SurveyMonkey. Es gratuito y facil de usar. Puede crear y publicar su estudio en cuestión de minutos. SurveyMonkey también te permite analizar los resultados de la encuesta que has publicado.

MailChimp – Email marketing
El marketing por correo electrónico es esencial para el éxito de la mayoría de las startups. Proporciona una interacción íntima entre su marca y su consumidor que lo ayuda a generar clientes potenciales. En comparación con otros métodos de marketing, el marketing por correo electrónico ofrece más control cuando se trata de mover a los consumidores a través de un embudo que conduce a las conversiones. MailChimp es una herramienta gratuita y fácil de usar para un marketing por correo electrónico eficaz.

Con hashtracking, conseguirás una herramienta que te dirá todo lo que quieras saber sobre el impacto del hashtag elegido. Un buen hashtag te permitirá categorizar el contenido para facilitar al usuario cualquier búsqueda que se ajuste a sus intereses.

Hay muchas más herramientas gratuitas que puedes usar, por lo que te recomiendo que investigues más y encuentres la que mejor llene tus expectativas.

Convertir ideas en proyectos rentables

Convirtiendo ideas en proyectos

Si te consideras un líder de negocios en tu empresa, puede que te haya ocurrido más de una vez lo siguiente.

Tienes una idea, una idea genial, es más no solo tienes una, sino que tienes varias y no saber cómo desarrollarlas.

Entiendo ese sentimiento de frustración, de tropezar con varias ideas que crees que tienen un gran potencial, pero solo una pequeña parte de estas ideas se convierten en proyectos reales o en veces solo quedan en el aire, la idea está ahí, pero aún no sabemos cómo aplicarla en tu proyecto.

Muchos proyectos no se materializan porque las ideas y sus ejecuciones no se resuelven de la manera correcta.

¿Te resulta difícil convertir tus ideas en un ‘proyecto’? Te daré algunos consejos para que puedas explotar al máximo tus ideas.

Visualizar es la clave:

Aprende a visualizar tus objetivos de una manera clara, muchas ideas se abandonan porque los objetivos no están definidos claramente.

Si no sabes lo que quieres o que esperas es probable que no veas que tu idea se concrete en un proyecto, por lo tanto solo será tiempo desperdiciado y terminarás probablemente frustrado.

Pero no solo basta con tener objetivos claros, deben de ser específicos y sobre todo realistas, apegados a lo que esperas a un corto, mediano plazo tal vez.

Definir qué es lo que esperas del proyecto de una forma concisa y clara te ayudará a ti y a tu equipo de trabajo a comprender los principales objetivos de la idea.

Respondiendo a las preguntas difíciles:

Las preguntas claves para poder desarrollar tu idea son qué, por qué, cómo y cuándo.

Es importante resaltar y comunicar efectivamente el propósito de este proyecto a tu equipo. Además de hablar sobre lo que debe hacerse y cómo hacerlo, también debes abordar el tema de  por qué el proyecto es importante. Cuando explicas el propósito y las decisiones estratégicas del proyecto, tus empleados obtienen una comprensión más profunda de tu idea y participan activamente en el proyecto.

Honestidad y aprender a delegar:

Para poder hacer funcionar cualquier estrategia que te plantees, necesitas dos cosas importantes: conocimiento y habilidad. Si eres el líder del proyecto o bien de la idea, es muy importante que evalúes honestamente tus fortalezas y limitaciones. No puedes esperar saber todo o poder hacer todo, ya que esto podría arruinar el proyecto en marcha. Es importante la asistencia de tu equipo de trabajo. Si es que cuentas con un equipo lo cual recomiendo ampliamente. Si crees que necesitas asistencia en un campo específico del proyecto, puedes buscar ayuda de tu equipo de trabajo o contratar personas externas para ello.

El equipo de trabajo adecuado:

Es importante contar con un equipo de liderazgo que evalúe los detalles del proyecto de manera imparcial y que vea tu idea desde todos los ángulos, para garantizar que sea un éxito. Contratar al equipo de trabajo adecuado puede ayudarte a encontrar áreas de oportunidad en tu idea y ayudarte a corregirlas y sobre todo mejorar tu idea.

Antes de que su idea esté lista para su ejecución, debe de ser evaluada rigurosamente. Es por eso que te recomiendo que elijas a un equipo de trabajo calificado, con experiencia y externo a tu idea, para que te pueda dar la mejor evaluación posible.

Espera lo inesperado:

Supervisa el proyecto de cerca, y debes de estar abierto a la retroalimentación  y a la crítica constructiva. También debes ser lo suficientemente flexible como para cambiar el proceso de ejecución, e incluso estar listo para abandonar el proyecto si no se está formando como esperaba. Sobre todo, asegúrate de compartir tu éxito con cada miembro del equipo cuando tu idea tenga éxito.